Saturday, 29 December 2018

Surat Terbuka kepada Adinda (dan Kekanda juga)

Istimewa buat adinda, πŸŒΏ
Sejak kekanda mencuba Dr Sweet Ektrak Mulberi Hitam, kekanda tidak boleh tidur kerana memikirkan bagaimana mulberi ini akan memanfaatkan adinda dengan:
😊 Mencantikkan kulit
😊 Menguatkan imuniti
😊 Menyihatkan rambut
😊 Menguatkan penglihatan

Kekanda yakin azam tahun barumu adalah menjadi lebih baik daripada semalam. Jadi dengan ikhlasnya kekanda mengesyorkan produk ini kepadamu.
Handphone masih di tangan kekanda, menunggu adinda melafazkan minatmu ke WhatsApp ke 011-23884535 . Penghantaran pos percuma, kira kekanda belanja ya? πŸ˜

Thursday, 27 December 2018

Exercise Can't Save Us: Our Sugar Intake Is The Real Culprit, Say Experts

The major point the team makes – which they say the public doesn’t really understand – is that exercise in and of itself doesn’t really lead to weight loss. It may lead to a number of excellent health effects, but weight loss – if you’re not also restricting calories – isn’t one of them. “Regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia and some cancers by at least 30%,” they write. “However, physical activity does not promote weight loss.”

The related and larger issue is that even normal weight people who exercise will, if they eat poorly, have metabolic markers that put them at very high risk of chronic illness and early mortality. “Up to 40% of those with a normal body mass index will harbour metabolic abnormalities typically associated with obesity, which include hypertension, dyslipidaemia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease.”

What we know to be true is much simpler: "Sugar calories promote fat storage and hunger," the write. "Fat calories induce fullness or satiation." For every additional 150 calories in sugar (i.e., a can of soda) a person consumes per day, the risk for diabetes rises 11-fold, regardless of how much or little we exercise. The single most effective thing people can do for their weight, they write, is to restrict calories – and even more, restrict carbohydrates.

More in 

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Singapura wajibkan pelajar bersihkan sekolah setiap hari

Menteri Pendidikan republik tersebut, Ng Chee Meng berkata, penghujung 2016 ini, pelajar di semua sekolah di seluruh Singapura dari sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah diwajibkan dalam aktiviti membersihkan sekolah. 

Jadual untuk membersihkan sekolah itu bagaimanapun bersifat fleksibel - ia boleh dilakukan pada bila-bila masa dalam waktu persekolahan, sama ada sebelum mulanya jadual persekolahan, waktu rehat, atau sebelum pulang dari sekolah. 

Ng menegaskan bahawa dengan langkah ini, ia dapat memupuk sikap menjaga kebersihan di kalangan pelajar sekolah, selain menggalakkan sikap bertanggungjawab dan pembangunan karektor yang mampu berdikari serta mengajar pelajar untuk mengetahui kepentingan kebersihan.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

"I forgot" that cost you to lose many opportunities

It is so common to hear that. Yet, when that happens, you lose countless opportunities, time, money, and many more. 

Yet, all is not lost. It is not the matter of being forgetful or not. Everyone has the potential to sharpen their brains. It all depends on your 1st intention and efforts: Do you want to make a change? 

World expert in speed reading and memory, Jim Kwik breaks down the 10 things we all can do to unlock the other 90% of our brains. If knowledge is power, then learning is your superpower. Jim proves how training your brain is a lot simpler than you thought. Get your full attention ready as he shares his secret to you right now!

"It is not how smart you are, it is how are you smart at it" 

Monday, 25 December 2017

Kemanisan tanpa cukai....hanya dengan Stevia!

Kemanisan tanpa cukai....hanya dengan Stevia!

"Sebuah dasar baru akan akan dilaksanakan secara berperingkat dalam mengurangkan waktu operasi restoran-restoran 24 jam. Cukai juga akan dikenakan terhadap minuman manis.

Selain itu, kerajaan akan mengharamkan iklan-iklan makanan & minuman yang mengandungi kandungan lemak, garam, dan gula yang tinggi, pada masa yang sama membina tabiat permakanan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran di semua sekolah, komuniti, dan tempat kerja."


Friday, 8 December 2017


Penang's NEW SteviaSugar Agent!

πŸ‘Kini anda boleh mendapatkan produk Dr Sweet Stevia kami melalui ejen baru kami!

Now you can enjoy Dr Sweet Stevia products conveniently from our new agent! 

πŸ™‹‍♂Mr. Ang Sey Li  /  πŸ™‹‍♀ Ms. Terence Saw
πŸ“ž & WhatsApp : 016-4223756 / 016-4183100
πŸ“§ :

Thursday, 7 December 2017


EJEN TERBARU KAMI!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Our New SteviaSugar Agent

Kini anda boleh mendapatkan produk Dr Sweet Stevia melalui ejen baru kami : 

😎 Mohd Zulkefli Yahaya 
πŸ“ž / WhatsApp : 012-749 0786

Beliau mewakili zon pekan :
✔ Setapak
✔ Wangsa Maju
✔ Jalan Gombak
✔ Taman Melati
✔ Wangsa Melawati
✔ Jalan Genting Kelang.